

Catalyzing the Transformation of the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare Industry Transformation Project (HITP) has been developed to catalyze the transformation of the Healthcare Industry through the application of advanced information technology methodologies and tools. More than a “health care think tank”, this Innovation Ecosystem convenes forward thinking healthcare leaders from influential enterprises and synthesizes disparate ideas as the genesis of evolved business solutions that improve cost, quality, and experience of healthcare.

The HITP is the epicenter of a number of disruptive solutions to address two key Industry Use Case Domains:


Changing how consumers buy
and use healthcare


Influencing clinical outcomes, versus reporting after the fact



The HITP Innovation Ecosystem , founded in 2012, is comprised of more than 25 participating organizations with a shared vision of rapidly designing and implementing practical, IT-enabled business operating models and solutions that eliminate fundamental challenges impacting the evolution of our healthcare industry. Our group has intent on igniting the spark that will catalyze the transformation of our entire industry. We will accomplish this goal by leveraging the HITP group as the “Healthcare Innovation Ecosystem”.




How we do what we do

Each invitation-only HITP event takes the form of a series of intense, professionally facilitated exercises that rapidly evolve group-thinking and vast/unique ideas into useful transformational game-plans for each constituent.

Guest lecturers add thought leadership and provocative ideas that shed existing mental models and stimulate interaction and excitement over a clear and shared vision (similar to “Ted Talks”).

This powerful methodology loosely termed “Accelerated Solution Design” has, in myriad manifestations, been proven at dozens of Fortune 100 companies and acknowledged industry leaders such as IBM, Starbucks Coffee Company, Premier Inc., WellPoint, Coke, FedEx, and Southwest Airlines and fortified by empirical research from institutions such as the MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (MIT CISR).

Hundreds of others have used the concepts we embrace to disrupt markets and radically change the rules of the game in various industries.

Many of our facilitators and sponsoring executives were in leadership roles of these “change-agent” organizations and therefore provide firsthand/working insight for our group to use to draw relative parallels for immediate adaption in a healthcare model.

We are clear, as a group, that many of the current healthcare operating model challenges have been addressed before (by other industries) and therefore by exploring available blueprints our HITP sessions typically yield the “ah ha” moments for many of our participating executives.


Our Motto:
As John E. Lewis stated, “If not us….then who? If not now…..then when?”